#8: Chris Byrd's Testimony

Mar 21, 2022

We are blessed to be joined in studio by Chris Byrd, a shining example of joy and can-do-attitude in the midst of adversity! Chris shares how growing up with "everything" can be a dangerous comfort for those without Christ, and how the Lord has intervened so heavily in just the last few years! Chris also just happens to be married to Jess, our pilot episode guest! Take a listen as we unpack his journey to Christ, the foundation that was laid for their marriage, and the radical way He has been moving in their lives recently. As a bonus, Chris and Jess will both be in studio next week to wrap up Part 2 of this episode!

Don't miss what God's been doing through individual testimonies! If you have a testimony, or know someone who does, we want to hear it! Reach out to me at 443-615-6682 or send me an email at andrewboram@gmail.com. Your testimony was meant to be shared, and there is power in it!